Green Impact

Clare College has taken part in the University’s Green Impact competition since it was first extended to Colleges, and consistently achieves gold or platinum awards. In 2023-24, we also received two special awards, one for Environmental Improvement for the riverbed redesign, and one for Innovation for Engagement for the Tangled Planet exhibition. If you would like to be involved, or to find out more, please contact the Buildings Department.

Tray of Insects Found During a Wild Walk at Clare

Environment Committee

The College’s Environment Committee meets termly, and includes representatives from all sections of the College Community.

Annual Report - 2023

Annual Report - 2022

Annual Report - 2021

Annual Report - 2020


All members of the College are encouraged to take part in monitoring Clare’s biodiversity through iRecord. This is available as both a webpage and an app, and allows you to upload sightings (including photos).

Student Societies

Clare has active student societies to promote green living and sustainability.

Clare Growers Association maintains an allotment at the Castle Court site. 

Clare Goes Green promotes sustainable living at Clare, including running an annual Vegan-u-clary event and other environmental initiatives.