Chapel Termcard

Choral Evensong
Choral Evensong services take place three times a week during Full Term:
- Tuesdays, 6.15 p.m.
- Thursdays, 6.15 p.m
- Sundays, 6 p.m. - including a sermon, and followed by drinks and supper.
Sunday Evensong services are also live-streamed on our Youtube page.
You can find out more about our Choir on their webpages.

Special choral services
In addition to the regular weekly rhythm of Choral Evensong, there are special choral services each term.
For Lent Term 2025, these include:
- A service of Music and Readings for Candlemas, on 2nd February.
- Late-night Compline, sung by the Choir by candlelight, on Wednesday 5th and Wednesday 19th February.
- Vigil with Imposition of Ashes for Ash Wednesday, on 5th March.
- A service of Music and Readings for Passiontide, on 16th March.
- A special Commemoration of Benefactors service on Friday 21st March.
For further details, please see the Chapel Termcard.
Sunday evening speakers
Our Evensong sermons during Lent Term reflect on the theme of 'encountering God'. By exploring a range of stories from the Bible, our visiting speakers consider how divine encounters reveal surprising truths about God's identity, and ours.
26 January - Encountering glory - The Dean
2 February - Encountering light - The Rev’d Dr Olga Fabrikant-Burke, Lecturer in the Old Testament, Ridley Hall, Cambridge
9 February - Encountering the unseen - Professor Simeon Zahl, Professor of Christian Theology, Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge
16 February - Encountering grace - The Rev’d Canon Dr Andrew Goddard, St James the Less, Pimlico
23 February - Encountering blessing - The Rev'd Jack Day, Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge
2 March - Encountering life - The Rev’d Alex Macdonald, The Decani Scholar
9 March - Encountering forgiveness - The Very Rev'd Peter Judd, Bye-Fellow; Chaplain of Clare 1976-81
For further details, please see the Chapel Termcard.

Orders of Service
You can find our Orders of Service book here.
The texts for Introits, Anthems, Psalms and readings can be found in our Pew Booklet.
You will find recital programmes and Orders of Service for Special Services below:
26 January Organ Recital
2 February Choral Evensong (Candlemas); Organ Recital
9 February Piano Recital
16 February Double Bass Recital
23 February Vocal Recital
2 March Vocal Recital
9 March 'Cello Recital
16 March Service of Music and Readings for Passiontide; Vocal Recital
Image credits: Andrew Staples