Visiting Chapel - FAQs

I am not a Christian: can I still come to Chapel?

Yes! Everyone is welcome to visit Chapel for quiet reflection or to join us for one of our services. 

I have never been to a service before: how will I know where to sit and what to do?

One of our Chapel wardens will greet you when you arrive and will help you find somewhere to sit. They will also be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

Everything you need to follow the service is already provided for you in Chapel. When you get to your seat, you will find a red Chapel Book, which explains what happens in the service, and when to stand or sit. We also provide a white Pew Booklet, which gives the specific texts of the music and readings for each service. 

The Dean will guide everyone through the service, but you are welcome to contact us in advance if you would like more information: Remember that everyone there has different levels of previous experience, so please relax and enjoy the service…and it’s fine just to watch and listen too!

Are there toilets?

Chapel itself does not have toilets but there are toilets (including accessible toilets) very close by in College which Chapel wardens will be able to direct you to.

Do I have to be a member of Clare College to attend services?

Almost all of our services are open to members of the public. There are just a very small number of special services that are for members of College only, and these are indicated in the Termcard.

How long do services last?

Weekday Evensong usually lasts approximately 45 minutes; Sunday communion and Compline last for about 30 minutes, and Sunday Evensong lasts for about an hour. Some of our special services can last longer. Please contact us if you would like further information

Do I need to book?

You can just turn up for all of our regular services. Some of our specials services require pre-booking, and this will always be clearly indicated in the Termcard.

Is there a charge?

No, there is no charge for services. If, however, you would like to donate to our chosen charity, there is the opportunity to do so in the Ante-Chapel. This is entirely voluntary.


What should I wear?

Members of College are welcome to wear academic gowns on Sundays, but this is not required. There is no specific dress code.

What happens during a service?

When you arrive, you will be greeted by a Chapel warden who will help you find somewhere to sit. It is usually quiet and there are candles lit: people often sit in contemplation. Shortly before the service starts, there will be music played on the organ. At the start of the service, the Choir and clergy process in and the congregation stands. The service will consist of spoken word (e.g. prayers, Bible readings), music (e.g. organ music, singing from the Choir, and hymns for the congregation to sing) and occasionally some moments of silence. You can follow the service in the Pew Booklet and Chapel book which you will find where you sit. At the end of the service, the Choir and clergy will leave first and the organ will play again. People then start to leave.

How are Sunday Evensong services different? 

At Sunday Evensong services, there is a guest speaker who gives an address during the service. After the service, drinks are served in the Ante-Chapel, to which all members of the congregation are warmly welcome. A supper in Hall (with wine) then follows drinks – if you would like to stay for supper, you simply pay for a ticket at the Buttery at the end of drinks. 

Do I have to attend the Sunday pre-service recital as well as Evensong?

No. There is a short break after the recital so if you wish to leave before Evensong or to join us after the recital has finished, there is the opportunity to do so.

Is Chapel accessible for people with additional needs?

There are two steps into the Ante-Chapel and a few steps from there into the main part of Chapel. We have ramps for use with wheelchairs and are happy to discuss any ways in which we might be able to help you if you contact us in advance You are also welcome to arrange a visit in advance when the Chapel is quiet.

Can I take photos and film the service?


The use of personal cameras, recording equipment, video cameras and mobile phones is not permitted in Chapel.

However, our Sunday Evensong services, and some of our special services, are livestreamed and are also available to watch afterwards. These can be found on the Choir’s YouTube channel. 

Can I bring children to services?

Yes, children are welcome! Please let us know in advance if we can help with any of the practicalities (e.g. stowing pushchairs/ finding a seat where you feel comfortable)

How can I get involved in Chapel life?


There are plenty of opportunities to become involved in our Chapel community including discussion groups, social events and volunteering as a Chapel reader or warden. You will find more information, as well as contacts for exploring faith and welfare support, in the Termcard and in the Current Members pages of the College website. 

Can I get married in Chapel?


As a private Chapel rather than a parish church, weddings require the approval of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Office, and must be conducted according to the rites of the Church of England. Current Clare members, or Clare alumni who have graduated in the past five years and can demonstrate a connection to the Chapel during their time at Clare, are invited to contact the Head of the Chapel Office to make further enquiries (

Please note that the application process to marry in Chapel is separate from permission to use other College facilities such as catering.