Our Admissions Tutors look for a passion for your chosen subject and a willingness to independently explore the subject in more depth. This shows us that you will thrive in the intense academic environment here at Cambridge and that you will enjoy studying the subject for at least three years.

The following lists offer some good places to start when it comes to exploring your chosen subject. This list is not exhaustive; use it as a springboard to new ideas, authors and topics, and follow what interests you. 

All resources are available online for free. You can learn more about how resources such as these can fit into your university application by visiting our Undergraduate Admissions pages. 

Resources for all subjects

https://myheplus.com/ - Resources for every Cambridge course, created by the University of Cambridge for prospective students

https://oxplore.org/ - Explorations of contemporary ethical, legal and social problems for Years 7-13, from the University of Oxford.

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time – Podcasts on a huge range of topics with academics, aimed at a general audience

Gresham College – Online lectures from well-known experts, from Chris Whitty to Joanna Bourke, on a huge range of subjects

For more resources arranged by individual Cambridge courses, see here: super-curricular_suggestions_1.pdf (cam.ac.uk)

Resources for the Arts and Humanities

Paris Review - Writers, Quotes, Biography, Interviews, Artists (theparisreview.org) – Podcast on culture and literature with extracts, interviews and adaptations from Maya Angelou to Phoebe Bridgers and beyond

Free eBooks | Project Gutenberg – Free pdfs of classic literature out of copyright

BBC Radio 4 - Thinking Allowed – BBC podcasts covering all facets of human society and the social sciences, across politics, history, anthropology and health

ARTE, the European culture TV channel, free and on demand – Free cultural programmes and clips in English and five other European languages

Resources for the Sciences

Sixth Term Examination Papers (STEP) | Undergraduate Admissions (cam.ac.uk) - Guidance on the STEP Mathematics exam from the University of Cambridge

https://i-want-to-study-engineering.org/ - Practice questions and support for Year 12 and 13 students hoping to study Engineering at university

Isaac Physics - Practice questions in Physics from the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, for Years 7-13

Home - Oxford Sparks - Videos and podcasts highlighting current research initiatives at the University of Oxford across the Sciences, aimed at a general audience

BBC Radio 4 - More or Less: Behind the Stats - Downloads – Podcasts exploring the statistics behind everyday life, health, science and politics

NRICH - Mathematics Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students to Enrich Learning (maths.org) – Maths practice problems and resources from the University of Cambridge, for GCSE and A Level students and their Teachers

Resources for Applying

University-wide admission assessments - Key information on admission assessments which are required for some subjects (2025 entry).

Subject Matters - A summary document on all the courses offered at the University of Cambridge (2025 entry)

Colleges Explained - An explanation of the collegiate system.

Instagram Post: Super-Curricular Activities Top Tips - Advice on super-curricular activities, posted on our Instagram

Super-Curricular Suggestions - A document published by the central university with course-specific super-curricular suggestions (note: from 2020)

For more ideas, advice, and student insights, follow us on Instagram - @clarecollege