Jocelyn Wyburd

As a Fellow of Clare, Jocelyn has long been a Tutor to undergraduate students, pausing from 2024 on taking up a senior role in the University. She continues to serve the College as Dean of Students and is a member of the Development and Choir Committees and the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Group.
Jocelyn joined the University in 2011 as Director of the Language Centre. She has served on numerous University boards and committees, including a term on the University Council. As interim Head of the School of Arts and Humanities for 9 months in 2023 and as Head of School from October 2024 for 4 years, Jocelyn is a member of the University’s Senior Leadership team and serves on the University’s General Board and several other University committees, in addition to Chairing the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities.
Further Information
Recent Publications:
Critchley, M & Wyburd, J (2021) "Evolution of University Internationalisation Strategies and Language Policies: Opportunities and challenges for Language Centres" in Language Learning in Higher Education 11:1 pps 3-13. Journal of the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (CercleS).
Wyburd, J (2021) "'Linguist' or 'Global Graduate'? A matter of identity for the global graduate with languages". In Plutino, A & Polisca, E "Languages at work, competent multilinguals and the pedagogical challenges of COVID-19. (2021) (pp. 11-21).
Wyburd, J (2018) "Building Capacity in UK Higher Education". In Kelly, M (Ed) "Languages after Brexit: How the UK speaks to the World", Palgrave Macmillan (2018) (pp. 173-183).
Wyburd, J (2017) "Transnational graduates and employability: challenges for HE languages departments". In Alvarez-Mayo, C, Gallagher Brett, A & Michel, F (Eds) “Innovative language teaching and learning at university: enhancing employability”, (2017) (pp. 11-19).
Wyburd, J (2016), "Learning without EU: Jocelyn Wyburd predicts the fate of UK languages education post-Brexit", The Linguist Vol/55 No/5 Oct./Nov. 2016 (pp. 11-13).
Wyburd, J (2016), "Opinion: Brexit and the importance of languages for Britain #3", University of Cambridge News 13 Oct. 2016. Also published in the Cambridge Independent Newspaper 20/10/2016.
Wyburd, J (2016), "Multilingualism – the norm in a 21st Century global society", Education News CUP 04 Jan. 2016.
Wyburd, J (2016) "We need a national debate on multilingualism". Languages Today 21 (Autumn 2015). Association for Language Learning.
Wyburd, J (2014) “Give languages a fair shout”. Opinion piece on languages and language policy. Times Higher Education.
A full biography can be found on the Language Centre website.