The minimum offer is A*AA at A-level, or 7 7 6 (42+ overall) from Higher Level subjects in the IB. We may ask that the A*/HL7 be achieved in a specific subject from those you are currently taking. For other qualifications, please see the University entrance requirements page.
A-level/IB Higher Level or equivalent in at least one of the languages you want to study. All students study two languages, one of which can be learnt from scratch.
Please note that for combinations including French or Latin, you must be studying these languages at A-level/IB Higher Level or equivalent.
Essay-based subjects such as History or English Literature may be good preparation for the Modern and Medieval Languages degree.
Written work
Two pieces of written work will be required. These should be recent examples of writing completed for school, one of which should be in one of the languages you intend to study at University. They should not be written specially for the occasion and should have been marked by a teacher, if at all possible.
Admissions assessment
Applicants invited to interview must take the Modern Languages Assessment. Those invited to interview who have applied to study Greek or Latin will also have a language skills interview. Further information can be found on the University's admissions assessments webpage.
MML at Clare
If you are admitted to Clare you will be joining a large, vibrant and supportive community of modern linguists.
The college has a tradition of strength in the subject, boasting an unusually large number of Modern Languages Fellows (in French, Spanish, Italian and Russian). This means that unlike many other Cambridge colleges we are normally able to provide most of our students teaching ‘in house’, especially during the foundational first year. Thanks to the Ford fund (named after Philip Ford, fellow in French 1982-2013), Clare is also able to offer financial assistance with MML students’ travel and visa expenses during their Year Abroad.
Our college library is well stocked with MML resources, and our dedicated and experienced fellows are ideally placed to support you through every stage of your degree, from arrival as freshers, during the Year Abroad, and all the way through to graduation.
Visit the University's subject page for more information.
Dr Berman’s research focuses on the nineteenth-century Russian and English novel and questions about family, kinship structures, love, and marriage. Her current work is on Russia’s nineteenth-century women novelists (esp. Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaya and Evgenia Tur).

Professor Timothy Chesters is a specialist in French Renaissance literature. He has published on Renaissance demonology and witchcraft, as well as authors including Rabelais, Ronsard, and Montaigne, and on cognitive approaches to literature. He teaches Clare students French literature from the Middle Ages to the present day.

Professor Sanson’s interdisciplinary research focuses on the history of the Italian language, literature and culture in Italy, between the Renaissance and the post-Unification period. She is particularly interested in the relationship between the history of linguistic thought and the history of women, as representative of the less learned, as well as in the role of women writers and women readers, in the same period. Among Professor Sanson’s other strands of interest are conduct literature for and about women, the history of translation in Italy and the role of women translators in the circulation of new ideas, and the popularization and dissemination of knowledge in Italy.
Professor Cacho’s research focuses on Renaissance and Baroque cultures and Spanish American colonial literature. His scholarship has been concerned with literary genres such as burlesque and epic poetry, visual culture, and the works of Francisco de Quevedo. His latest project studies Spanish American early modern poetry, in particular the emergence of literary communities in the New World.