
Number of students per year
Typical offer

The minimum offer is A*AA at A-level or 7 7 6 (42+ overall) from Higher Level subjects in the IB or the equivalent. 


Essential subjects

A-level/IB Higher Level or equivalent in Chemistry, and at least one of Mathematics, Biology or Physics.


Useful subjects

Biology, Physics, Mathematics. Most applicants are studying at least three science subjects at A-level/IB Higher Level or equivalent.

IB applicants are expected to take IB Higher Level 'Analysis and Approaches' if available at your school. If this is not an option for you, email admissions@clare.cam.ac.uk and we will advise you.

Admissions assessment

All applicants must take the Engineering and Science Admissions Test (ESAT). If you are applying through UCAS in 2025, you will need to take the test on 9 or 10 October 2025. You must take the test in this first sitting. 

Veterinary Medicine at Clare

 Preclinical veterinary subjects are taught mainly alongside the medics, except for specific veterinary subjects like anatomy or veterinary physiology. 

The ratio of vets to medics at Clare reflects the ratio in the university as a whole, and we find it provides a good group size - there are enough vet students to retain a sense of their own identity but with the advantage of having close contact with the medics, which prevents a more parochial outlook.  

Students have close contact with Fellows as Clare has its own teaching Fellows in most biomedical subjects taken during the preclinical years, and also others with expertise more widely in the natural sciences. Historically, we have been very strong in these subjects:  David Attenborough, David Watson and Tim Hunt (Nobel Prize for Biochemistry) were all at Clare. 

Library facilities for vets are excellent. Geographically, we are positioned halfway between Downing Site (where most of the preclinical lectures and practicals are delivered through the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience- PDN) and the vet school (for the clinical years). 

Finally, we have three qualified vets in Clare's Fellowship. One teaches anatomy and carries out neurophysiological research in PDN; the Director of Studies for both preclinical and veterinary clinical sciences are vets, working at the vet school - one is an active equine clinician, who also works on conservation and endangered species breeding programmes, the other specialises in pathophysiological research with active collaborations in the preclinical departments. 

Visit the University's subject page for more information.


John Gibson headshot

My area of expertise is pathophysiology, notably how membrane transporters regulate ion and water homeostasis in cells in health and how they become perturbed in disease. 

I work mainly with red blood cells and also articular chondrocytes. I teach vet students over all six years of the course.

John Gibson
Director of Studies in Veterinary Medicine
Clare College

Dr Holdstock graduated from the Cambridge Veterinary School in 1991. She then worked at Rossdale and Partners, Newmarket, obtaining her PhD in Equine Perinatal Medicine and a certificate in internal and stud medicine.

She has special interests in fetal/neonatal health and critical care, ultrasonography, and artificial insemination. She has also worked in exotic medicine involving several endangered species breeding programmes. She organises an annual course on Wildlife Game Capture held in South Africa.

Nicky Holdstock
Director of Studies in Clinical Veterinary Medicine